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Assignment: China as a role model for digitalization. Status quo and development prospects for digitalization in China

China's rapid development in the field of digitalization shows that China is positioning itself as more advanced and innovative than its global competitors in some sectors. With the help of the global European perspective, the vision and strategy of the European Union and the goals it has set itself for 2030 are presented. In addition, data and facts are used to describe the comparison from a global perspective of the countries listed. In addition, China's development in the field of digitalization is examined in more detail and its current status is summarized. Subsequently, the differences between the messengers Weixin (WeChat), Whats App and other messengers are compared and the differences are presented using data and facts.

Assignment: Achieving intercultural competence - Successful intercultural business behavior: Effective negotiations to achieve common goals

The assignment deals with the analysis of the conduct of negotiations between a Chinese and a German company. First, the economic relationship and dependencies between Germany and China are discussed. In addition, positive results between German and Chinese companies are presented. In addition, the basics of communication and negotiation are discussed so that the following description of the situation can be dealt with in full. In addition, the cultural-dimensional description according to G. Hofstede represents a further fundamental basis for understanding the work. The situation description documents the failure of the negotiation, which is caused by the representatives of the German company and prevents a successful business transaction. The main analytical section addresses the main problems of the negotiations and the lack of intercultural competence. In addition, possible solutions are then presented which would have guaranteed cultural understanding and a positive conclusion of the contract between the business partners.


Assignment: Non-monetary incentive systems for knowledge management in distributed expert networks

Knowledge management is an extremely wide-ranging sector and poses extensive challenges for everyone involved. Due to the complexity of the topic, it is essential to keep an overview of the various possibilities and the added value of knowledge management. The assignment looks at the problem of non-monetary or immaterial incentive systems and describes the opportunities that arise with the help of digitalization. The production factor knowledge is seen as an increasingly important elementary factor, especially due to the transfor-mation to an upcoming Industry 4.0. The area of incentive systems is examined theoretically and supplemented using various selected examples from a wide range of sectors such as science, the medical sector and the software industry. Incentives or stimuli represent a knowledge base and are the basis for finding beneficial solutions. The sharing of collective, entre-preneurial expertise can be made more meaningful, efficient and fun with the help of immaterial perspectives.


Assignment: Research in the context of promoting intercultural awarness - Analysis of the state of research on intercultural awarness

This assignment presents the studies and approaches investigated to date in the field of cultural configurations. The results of the various studies to date, such as those by G. Hofstede, F. Tropenaars or E. T. Hall, have made different contributions to the understanding of cultures or cultural models. With the help of the revision of the theories by S. Schwarz, the acquisition of cultural competence through the incremental theory of intelligence or the Global Culture Map by R. Inglehardt and C. Wenzel, it is possible to map the area of intercultural sensitivity training more comprehensively and in more detail, so that the scope of training for expatriates is more comprehensive. Based on the analytical consideration of the studies and theoretical approaches, an assessment of the most productive options and opportunities for integration can be made.


Assignment: Change management - What consequences result from the findings of neuroscience (neuroleadership) for the design of change processes?

This assignment shows possible optimization potential that could be gained through new findings from the field of neuroleadership. Initially, fundamental topics such as the function of the brain or the best-known change management phase models are presented. The three most important phase models presented are the 3-phase model by K. Lewin, the 8-stage model by J. P. Kotter and the AKDAR model by J. Hiatt. In addition, the different neuroleadership models such as the Hermann Dominance Instrument, BrainCoaching, Supportive Leadership, SCARF model and Elger's 7 basic rules, which were derived from the findings of psychology and neuroscience, are defined. Especially in today's world, which is becoming increasingly complex due to the growing amount of information, continuous change is the order of the day. The scientific findings from the field of neuroleadership form the foundation for a new, more positive way of managing employees in the future. Finally, the assignment presents three different recommendations for action that could help to evolve previous Change Management approaches through the achievements of neuroleadership and help Leaders to better understand employees.


Assignment: Corporate governance in China - Corporate governance systems in China

The assignment describes the topic of Corporate Governance in its main features and on the basis of cases that have occurred to date and a current event. Corporate Governance can consist of different administrative systems, such as monistic and dualistic. Moreover, Corporate Governance is composed of different theories, such as new institutional economics, property rights theory or stewardship theory. The Chinese Corporate Governance system was born in 1978, which marked the beginning of the country's economic transformation policy. The People's Republic of China defined various phases and has continued to develop economically through these successively to this day. Various surveys of individual companies have revealed a clear interest in foreign direct investment in the future. The features that characterize the Chinese Corporate Governance system and make it attractive to foreign investors in certain areas consist of shareholders and state-owned enterprises. In addition, it is composed of the continuously evolving legal system, which also includes the foreign investment law, as well as other regulatory frameworks. These areas are subject to the supervision and control of various state or supervisory bodies, such as the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) or State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).


Assignment: Compliance versus Integrity. Business ethics practice: compliance versus integrity

This assignment deals fundamentally with the systematic definition of the various approaches, compliance and integrity. Negative examples are presented and the basics of ethics and business ethics are discussed. The compliance approach presented is defined in detail on the basis of IDW EPS 980 and partly on the basis of ISO 19600. From the company's perspective, the compliance approach represents a catalog of rules with standardized prohibitions. These standards form the tools for auditors and companies to be able to audit or map the topic of compliance in a company in a meaningful way. Another approach is the integrity approach. Companies can derive their positive values from this approach without creating a rigid catalog of rules.


Assignment: The studies by Ernst & Young (EY) and QUO VADIS on employee motivation. Self-Determination Theory and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Both studies look at similar but also different topics through certain, specially selected parameters. Overlapping topics are satisfaction and motivation. Separate topics are workload & work-life balance, job changes, wasted potential of employees as well as further training and digitalization. The comparison of the two selected studies on employee satisfaction and motivation shows that employee satisfaction is in a good range and has tended to develop positively in recent years. It has also been confirmed for some time that the number one job motivator is salary. On the other hand, there is the issue of motivation. There is a way to increase the motivation of em-ployees. Managers in particular are an especially important controlling authority with great potential for motivating their employees.


Assignment: Artificial intelligence in personnel selection

There are various ways to relieve and optimize human recruiting with artificial intelligence. The mobile device is an enrichment in terms of flexibility. No matter where and when, data can be accessed and processed flexibly. Managers have the opportunity to find out about future or current employees wherever they are. Robot recruiting can simplify research using algorithms in order to achieve a faster and better result. It has also become possible to replace job interviews in the first instance with virtual interviews and to address potential applicants even more effectively through recruiting videos. The topics of big data and HR analytics, which are still in their infancy, need to be developed further and ethical and legal challenges need to be clarified with various stakeholders such as works councils and trade unions. The use of AI in the field of human recruiting therefore offers various opportunities. There is a great oppor-tunity here to free up time reserves through mobility and enable more transparent decisions in future employee selection, but also to be aware of the risks associated with handling and evaluating data volumes.


Assignment: Critical examination of the exploration of building sites using the direct exploration method

Critical rationalism, co-designed by the philosopher Karl Popper, offers a further perspective for testing theories or hypotheses from various fields and coming ever closer to the truth through falsification. Scientific theories have thus been enriched by another important philosophical way of thinking. The presence of critical rationalism in science is presented in various scientific publications and by the Hans-Albert-Institut. The Hans-Albert-Institut deals with current political, economic, media and general social issues in connection with critical rationalism. In the further course, scientific terms such as empiricism, theory, verification and falsification are explained by means of the direct investigation method. The properties of the subsoil to be tested are empirically investigated by measuring or sampling subsoils with the aid of generally used construction methods, e.g. drilling or pile-driving. This results in the theory "The subsoil corresponds to the soil samples taken". It is possible to confirm the theory by verification or to refute it by falsification.


Bachelor Thesis: Graphical representation of selected processes from building material applications - Illustrative graphics and animations for the lecture 

As already described in the introduction, various building material applications were to be graphically illustrated in this final thesis.  The task contained subject areas whose design and processing proved to be very extensive in some cases. This was due on the one hand to the sometimes complex task itself and on the other hand to the necessary familiarization with the animation programs “Flash CC” and “Autodesk Maya”.  The realization of the three-dimensional animation videos was very complex and required the majority of the processing time.  This was due to the fact that the “Autodesk Maya” program was only available in English at the time. In contrast, editing the two-dimensional animation videos was easier thanks to the software's more user-friendly program interface. While working on the various topics, I realized that many other areas of building materials science could also be presented visually for better understanding. These would be, for example, the burning of cement clinker (flow diagrams), differentiation of pore types, renovation and application of a surface protection system for columns in underground garages, etc.  I really enjoyed working on this subject. The intensive examination opened up new areas and possibilities for me to deal with problems using the approach described.